Future's People

We want to live in a world where people are happy at work.

Why did we start Future's People?

Before we started Future's People, we had been in branding for more than two decades. We were often given permission to greatly shape the essence of the companies that hired us. While we did our best to make the brands work for its users, we ignored the people working for and on the brand - the employees. 

In our own companies, in which we held leadership positions we focussed on client happiness and consequently our bottom-line. While I believe we were great consultants and fairly good "bosses", we clearly didn't have a systematic approach to track or improve employee happiness.

We might or might not have had a negative impact on the happiness of our and our clients employees - frankly, we don't know. One thing is for sure, by ignoring employee happiness we missed a lot of opportunities for the brands we touched and the wonderful people we worked with.

With Future's People we started our journey to help employees improve their happiness in their workplace and help unleash all the benefits that come with it - for everyone involved - people, organizations, and brands.

The Founders

Our Mission

Future’s People is committed to improve happiness in the workplace.

We believe this is important since it’s the place where most people spend most of their time.

Everyone deserves to be as happy as possible as much as possible.

The Founders

Manuel Toscano

Manuel has helped changemakers, innovators and corporate clients bridge the gap between business and design. His career started by studying photography at the Corcoran College of Art in Washington and later he received his masters at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York. Manuel served in the communications advisory board at Human Rights Watch, on the board of the Photo Agency VII, and as National Director of Social Engagement for Design for Good at the AIGA. 

When he is not busy saving the world, Manuel loves making pizza and listening to his newly established collection of vintage vinyl. Manuel has two sons, a Vanagon and lives in Amsterdam.